2 December 2024
Kahukuraariki Trust Board
P O Box 788, Kerikeri 0295
By email: admin@kahukuraariki.iwi.nz
RE: Kahukuraariki AGM 2024
Dear Chair and Trust Board,
Thank you for your letter dated the 4th September 2024 responding to my letter of 5th August 2024.
Thank you for acknowledging that I have provided my whakapapa and birth certificate to the Trust Board confirming my status as a “member of Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa”; as in I whakapapa to Ngati Aukiwa.
Thank you for outlining your Trust registration process; however, I’ve never asked how I can become a “registered member” of the Trust. In providing my whakapapa and birth certificate I am providing proof that I am a “member of Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa”, and as such a beneficiary of your Trust. I do not have to register to be a beneficiary, nor do I have to register to be able to participate in and afforded access to AGM, SGM, minutes etc as per your Trust Deed. I believe this matter was addressed in my lawyer’s letter to you more than a year ago on the 25 September 2023, and again to your lawyer on the 21 November 2023. You acknowledged receiving my lawyer’s letter at the 2023 AGM, and reaffirmed receiving it again in your recently published Kahukuraaki Trust Annual Report 2024 of the 16th September 2024. To date we have not received a reply from you nor your lawyer.
Unfortunately, by only offering to allow me to attend the latest AGM as an observer, you have yet again denied me the opportunity to participate in the latest KTB AGM; which is the third straight year that I have been denied my rights as a beneficiary.
Additionally, as requested in my previous letter, can you please provide the contact details of the new Trustees?
Yours Faithfully,
Mr Graham Williams
Member of Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa
Correspondence Address:
Graham Williams
PO Box 301347
Albany 0632