Crown and Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa initialled a Deed of Settlement on 5 June 2015

Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa

The Crown and Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa initialled a Deed of Settlement on 5 June 2015. The initialled deed is available under Supporting documents below.

Deed of Settlement documents

Deed not settled at this time.

Supporting documents

File Date Size
Initialled Deed of Settlement 5 Jun 2015 991 KB
Initialled Deed Attachments  5 Jun 2015 3.3 MB
Initialled Deed Property Redress 5 Jun 2015 158 KB
Initialled Deed General Matters 5 Jun 2015 278 KB
Initialled Deed Documents 5 Jun 2015 719 KB
Refined Agreement in Principle 7 Jul 2014 1.0 MB
Agreement in Principle for the Settlement of Historical Claims 22 Dec 2007 14.4 MB
Terms of Negotiation 19 Oct 2004 2.2 MB
Recognition of Mandate  14 Oct 2004 65 KB

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