From: dmanuel.ngatikahukiwhangaroa []
Sent: Saturday, 6 September 2014 8:03 p.m.
To: Moana Tuwhare; Norm McKenzie
Cc: Ben Dalton; Richard Hawk; Pita Pangari; Sandra Hei Hei; Dave Henare; Manaaki Poto; Michael Sheehan; Lee Cherie King; AJ Buchanan; Mark McKenzie; Taiporohenui Day; Adrian Tua; Ani Roberts; Diane Rainey; dennis
Subject: FW: Meeting tomorrow
Importance: High
Kia ora koutou
There seems to be a confusion of word interpretation I sent in the board letter to David Tapsell and a lack of knowledge of what has and is happening. Below is the email cancelation from David Tapsell. I also tabled this korero at the Taemaro hui-a-iwi last weekend where Joe Aperehama said that “Te Aukiwa said to the working parti not to meet NKKWTB.” Uncle Davey, Harry Brown and Pita will validate this. There seems to be some contradiction of what has happened and what has been said. I do not lie and take offense when accusations are pointed at me. I have been present at past Waimahana marae hui tikanga where matua Mike Petera has said to me ” me korero Koutou i te Kawanatanga, kahore matou i hiahia te tautoko.”
When Ben Dalton was facilitating korero between mea and the board Dec 2013 he made it quite clear that Aukiwa occupiers didn’t want to talk to the board.
I asked at the hui-a-iwi at Taemaro, ko wai ratou Te Aukiwa
- Te Umanga Ltd
- Roha Logging
- Paeara
- Working Party
No answer by anyone.
The board represent all descendants of Kahukuraariki and Haititai marangai and are mandated to do so. When it comes to ratification time, the truth will be spoken by the people whether to accept or not the crown offer. It will be decided by the majority not the minority.
I believe knowledge of our whakapapa is essential and that can only come from our kaumatua.
I extent a invitation now to all parties concerned to meet myself and nga Kaumatua to discuss the whakapapa and maybe a possibility to move forward together. Te kotahi tatou. If it is OK with Te Heamana o Taemaro, we could possibly have this hui at Taemaro soon, say
Saturday, 4th October 2014
10.00am start
Kei Konei te taki
David Manuel (Te Heamana)
Sent from Samsung Mobile
——– Original message ——–
From: Maria Terewi
Date:04/09/2014 1:16 PM (GMT+12:00)
To: David Manuel
Subject: FW: Meeting tomorrow
From: Tapsell, David []
Sent: Monday, 19 May 2014 10:39 a.m.
To: dmanuel.ngatikahukiwhangaroa; Ella Henry; ‘Richard Hawk’; Buds Terewi
Subject: Meeting tomorrow
Importance: High
Kia Ora
I have just been advised by Moana Tuwhare that although she and Norm have made progress on discussing a definition of Ngati Aukiwa, she has been instructed by the kaumatua that it is too early to meet with NKKWTB reps tomorrow on this issue. Her assessment is that they will be ready for this meeting early to mid-June. We will therefore cancel the meeting tomorrow and reschedule.
In terms of the fuller meeting proposed for 6 June where we aim to outline the refined AIP package, I want to assure you that we want to proceed with that meeting. It is not dependant on any agreement on the definition of Ngati Aukiwa. Assuming we get all of the valuation detail etc in on time that meeting will proceed.
Kia Ora