At the First reading of the Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa Claims Settlement Bill in April 2016, objections were heard which were referred to the Māori Affairs Committee. Numerous objections were formally lodged and discussed in Wellington in April 2017. These objections were ignored by Chris Finlayson on the second and third readings. The NZ First party abstained from voting in protest, however the National Party forced the bill through, and the Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa Claims Settlement Bill was passed into law in August 2017.
Since then, the KAHUKURAARIKI Trust Board did little during 2018-2019. In 2019, the KAHUKURAARIKI Trust Board held hui which were not advertised widely, and were not well attended. The minutes of these hui talk mostly about the Resolution 2: Amendments to Trust Deed changes, and no published record of any discussion on Resolution 1: Ownership of Stoney Creek Station. There is no published record of any SGM to discuss the process in relation to resolving Resolution 1: Ownership of Stoney Creek Station as per Clause 33 of the KAHUKURAARIKI Trust Deed.
In 2021, the KAHUKURAARIKI Trust Board held numerous roadshows to discuss the Resolution 2: Trust Deed changes, and Resolution 1: Ownership of Stoney Creek Station. However, again published minutes show that Resolution 2: Amendments to Trust Deed was discuss, but not Resolution 1: Ownership of Stoney Creek Station.
Delays due to COVID meant that voting on the KAHUKURAARIKI Trustee elections and both Resolutions could not be held until March 2022. The SGM and AGM scheduled for March 2022 to provide an open forum to discuss the resolutions prior to voting were cancelled and rescheduled to June 2022, however voting was not rescheduled.
The results of the KAHUKURAARIKI Trustee elections and both Resolutions were published. The Taemaro Trustee was voted in with only 26 votes, and the Waimahana Trustee was voted in with 111 votes. Voting on Resolution 2: Amendments to Trust Deed was not passed, however voting on Resolution 1: Ownership of Stoney Creek Station was passed, despite objections that people were not able to discuss it in an open and transparent forum prior to voting.