Letter to OTS from NKKWTB

11 August 2014

Office of Treaty Settlement
David Tapsell

Progress to date

Kia ora David

Thank you for your update however in regards to anything Te Aukiwa might have to say the Board does not have any confidence in them at all due to work and effort in making arrangements to meet with them and they cancel out at the last minute.

This appears to be the way they wish to handle things when they are ready regardless of the amount of work and organizing NKKWTB Trust has done to accommodate them.

The Trust as the Mandated Body is concerned when you say it is a good sign of progress on their behalf, when NKKTB have been waiting for ever in order to move on and complete our claim. If they are as genuine as they say in wanting to make progress then let’s get on with it as action speaks stronger than just words.

We respect the fact that you are also doing your level best to keep things rolling by agreeing to meet with Te Aukiwa, but the plain simple Truth is they can’t be trusted but if you can make it happen then let’s hear what they have to say. The Board has a fairly good idea of what they want and what their answers will be hence the miss trust and the big question mark, why are we meeting at all.

A lot of our Trust Board members are becoming more and more frustrated with the ongoing non action of Te Aukiwa to move things on and are signalling returning to the AIP agreement and dealing with any outlying problems that arise or are in place.

At our last Trust Board meeting on Saturday 19 July 2014 at Otangaroa Marae, one of the Trustees whom we believe is in direct conflict with the Trust Board and Te Aukiwa has stated in front of the Board that information from the Te Aukiwa Lawyer Moana to the effect that OTS will be paying her legal fees.

NKKWTB has asked this question before and have been told that it is incorrect; this is what we are talking about when we say to whom we trust. Can you please confirm in writing to this trust board that the Lawyer Moana Tuwhare representing Teaukiwa is not being paid by OTS.

Furthermore we also had Beneficiaries at the meeting who made it absolutely clear that it is not just the matter of Stoney Creek that the Te Aukiwa group is seeking it is the Thompson and Clarke Blocks as well and they will fight to ensure its outcome.

In closing a couple of points I would like to make.

1. When will the crown be issuing eviction notices to the occupation of the house on the Thompson Block?
2. What is the projected time for the Board to take on the lease of Thompson and Clarke?
3. Is there any progress with the Otara Urupa 1.6 ha and Waipouritaka Urupa 1.6 ha for Kaitangata?

I hope to hear from you again.

Kia pai tou ra
David Manuel

Te Heamana o Ngatikahu Ki Whangaroa Trust Board

Letter to OTS Progress to date 11 August 2014

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