25. Will there be further Road Shows after the voting?
Trust Board Reply:
There may be further Consultation Hui after the final ones planned in September 2013, if there are requests from whānau in other communities. However, the turn-out to Consultation Hui has not been high, whereas there have been many hundreds of people connecting to the Trust Board through the website and Facebook page, and the Trust Board is putting information from all the Consultation Hui on both those sites as a way of ensuring that this information reaches as many of our iwi as possible.
I’ve been on your Facebook page and you only have 115 likes; this isn’t exactly hundreds of people connecting. Connecting implies a two-way conversation but there are no comments apart from mine, and you guys never reply.
Your website only has basic information on it, and there is nowhere on it where iwi can openly communicate and ask questions or post comments, that’s why I set up this website.