Is the package that the Government is offering what we want?

15.  Is the package that the Government is offering what we want?

Trust Board Reply:

It is up to the Iwi to decide if the offer is acceptable, during the ratification, after signing the Deed of Settlement

One reply

  1. This reply from the Trust Board is misleading, according to their own Consultation Hui Booklet page 12:

    “Section 2.2, Stage Two, Negotiations: The Agreement in Principle includes the offer from the Crown, which has been negotiated between the Iwi and representatives of the Crown, which is the Office of Treaty Settlements. Once the iwi have been consulted about the offer, and there is a general consensus amongst the Iwi that the Claim should progress, a Deed of Settlement is signed between the Iwi and the Crown.”

    It is part of Stage Two that we are consulted, not part of Stage Three during the ratification and implementation process. We don’t have to sign or agree to anything until we have been fully consulted and we have general consensus amongst our iwi to proceed.

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