NKKWTB is only representing two hapū

7.  NKKWTB is only representing two hapū?

Trust Board Reply:

As per the Constitution, and as articulated in the AIP, the Ngātikahu ki Whangaroa Trust, represents the following:

Ngāti Aukiwa, Ngāti Rangimatamoemoe, Ngāti Roha, Ngāti Rua, Te Hoia, Kaitangata, Te Pohotiare

Taemaro, Waimahana, Taupo Bay, Otangaroa, Waihapa, Mangatowai and Waitaruke

One reply

  1. Is this still true? I hear that numerous Hapu split from the Trust Board years ago. Shouldn’t we hold Trust Board Elections again to see if the Trust Board actually have the support of their Iwi?

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