Dear Mr Key,
Please find attached a letter (2015 12 17 Letter to Paeara Family [17881]) I received from Mr Finlayson today in relation to my concerns of his appalling behaviour and extremely poor judgement. He has intentionally ignored complaints about the behaviour of OTS, and has flipently dismissed my concerns over the lack of open communication between OTS, the NKWTB, and our wider Iwi over the past 8 years. Over the past years he and OTS have intentionally reneged on their word, and have intentionally restricted information to deny our wider Iwi the opportunity to make an informed decision. I have raised numerous complaints under the OIA, but have been blocked on all occasions by him and OTS.
Although Mr Finlayson seems intent on off-loading the responsibilites of his office, at the expense of justice, and openly flaunts the recommendations made by the Waitangi Tribunal back in 1985, in relation to the return of our whenua, I am hopeful that you will intervene to at least allow our wider Iwi the opportunity for a lasting setllement. Mr Finlayson seems intent on rushing this settlement through, despite the poor voting turnout and numerous complaints.
As you can read in his letter he has demonstrated extremely poor jugdement in this matter, and his decision will have far reaching ramifications. Of the 3800 (2426 over 18yrs) member of our Iwi, only 585 have voted to accept his offer; that’s only 15%!!!! This is hardly a majority decison; however despite this My Finlayson and OTS still plan to go ahead and hand over $70+ million dollars worth of assets to a Trust Board controller PSGE tomorrow (18 Dec 205).
Again, I ask that you intervene in this matter immediately, as this is clearly not a majority decision, with only 15% of our Iwi voting to accept it.
Regards, Paeara Family