RE: Trust Board Response to Letter from Graham Williams

Kia ora Trust Board,

Thanks for finally responding to my letter that I sent 7 weeks ago . Obviously, the Trust Board doesn’t understand the simple meaning of being open, timely and transparent. In the response from the Trust Board, there are numerous errors and intentional misrepresentations. My comments below to some of your curt / misleading replies to the points in my letter:

  • Point 7 – Claiming you whakapapa to Ngati Aukiwa doesn’t mean you have been authorised to sign on behalf of Ngati Aukiwa.
  • Point 8 – Expecting that the Crown monitored and evidenced the process is ridiculous, as evidenced by the numerous objections during the process and to the Bill prior to it being passed, and the fact that the NZ First party abstained from the vote in protest.
  • Point 10 – I’m not sure each Trustee understands the extent of Clause 33.2 – Consultation on review process, each Trustee needs to seek independent legal advice, specifically on this matter. I look forward to Toko Kapea’s summary of the review process, including hui dates, minutes, and attendance registers.
  • Point 11 – All descendants of Kahukuraariki were not notified nor encouraged to register and vote, and as such were excluded from the consultation hui, not able to register, and denied subsequent voting in the Resolution 1 process. I personally was not made aware of the SGM & AGM until I was contacted about the privacy breach on Jan 2022 with the members register being published on your website. I had previously registered as a member but somehow wasn’t on the list anymore. I personally was excluded from the process by Geraldine Baker (GM), as I was denied access to the SGM & AGM which your Trust Deed clearly stated is open to all adult members of Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa (registered or not).
  • Point 14 – I’ve provided able evidence to warrant immediate recall of the special resolution made determining the ownership of the Stoney Creek Station, as per Point 10 – the correct process has not been followed and Point 11 – descendants of Kahukuraariki were excluded.

I’ve communicated my concerns and objections over the past 7 weeks and have provided ample time for each Trustee to respond to my concerns, questions, and requests. Not one Trustee has replied to my many emails, not one Trustee has provided me with their contact details. Refusal to provide their details is a breach of the Trust Act 2019, which could see them removed as Trustees. I ask once more that each Trustee provide me with their contact details.

Nga mihi

Graham Williams

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