Who gave the right for the Trust Board to carry the mandate for WAI 116?

29.  Who gave the right for the Trust Board to carry the mandate for WAI 116?

Trust Board Reply:

The Trust Board received the mandate from the people of each of the Marae and in Tamaki Makaurau after elections held in 1998, 2001 (this election was facilitated by TPK) and 2003. At each of these elections, this Trust received the support of the people to carry the mandate. The Trust had to meet rigorous requirements from the Crown, in terms of advertising Hui, maintaining a database of people who attended and voted, minute-taking at these meetings, and reporting to the Crown.

One reply

  1. Although the Trust Board are required to to meet rigorous requirements from the Crown, in terms of advertising Hui, maintaining a database of people who attended and voted, minute-taking at these meetings, and reporting to the Crown; they have failed to do so. Simply try asking them for minutes or reports from 5 or 10 years ago. Ask them for details on how they have spent our settlement money?

    Additionally, since the last elections were held was over 10 years ago in 2003 isn’t it time for new elections to be held?

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